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Cedar Hill ISD Families,
               It is my pleasure to welcome you and your scholar aboard our school bus. The purpose of this letter is to inform and remind parents and scholars of the proper procedures that need to be followed while riding a Cedar Hill Independent School District school bus.   

                When registering for school, each scholar will be asked to register for transportation services if they wish to have this service provided. Make sure that the correct address that is provided in skyward is the address on the contract. If any of your information has changed, please contact the school your scholar attends with updated phone numbers and addresses.

Student/Bus Stop Expectations:

                Riding the school bus is a privilege. This privilege may be temporarily denied or suspended if a student chooses, through misconduct, to jeopardize the safe operation of the bus, and the safety of the scholars riding the bus. Drivers must give their attention to driving; therefore, scholars riding the bus need to always know and follow the rules. Please note: STUDENT BEHAVIOR WILL BE MONITORED USING AUDIO/VIDEO CAMERAS IN BUSES.

                Parents are responsible for supervision of their children while they wait at the bus stop in the morning and after they are delivered to their regular bus stop at the end of the day. It is highly recommended that a parent or guardian of elementary students be at the bus stop in the morning and again in the afternoon. Students are required to be at their bus stop at least five minutes before the scheduled arrival in the morning.

For student safety, parents should remove all drawstrings and hanging items from clothing and back packs. This will help prevent injury or death should they be caught on bus components.

Please review this link on bullying prevention on the school bus


  • Animals
  • Firearms
  • Objects used as weapons (real and toy)
  • Knives and other sharp objects
  • Explosive items
  • Glass objects
  • Ice Skates without blade guards
  • Hockey and lacrosse sticks
  • Baseball bats
  • Skateboards
  • Sleds
  • Skis
  • Ski poles
  • Items prohibited at school or too large (not larger than 12 x 12 x 12)

Please note: Exceptions may be pre-arranged for school-sponsored activities that require these items.

Parents are encouraged to instruct scholars to stay a safe distance, a minimum of ten feet, from the roadway until the bus stops. Parents can enhance their child’s safety by monitoring stops.

If scholars need to get off at a stop other than his/her designated stop, or need to ride a different bus to another bus stop, the scholar’s parents or legal guardian will need to send a signed note with as much information as possible including the scholar’s name, who they are riding with, the bus number, and the bus stop name (if possible). Have the scholar take the note to their school’s office.  The school will issue a Temporary Scholar Bus Pass for the scholar. The scholar must present this pass to the driver in order to be transported.  Without previous arrangements, the student may only ride their regularly scheduled bus and unload only at their regularly scheduled stop.

Transportation Office hours are 7:00 AM- 4:00 PM Monday through Friday. If we miss your call, please leave a name and detailed message and someone will  return your call as soon as possible. You may also reach us via email


Jonquez Moore, Director of Transportation