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Family Access

Family Access is a web-based service that allows parents/guardians to view school-related information on their students.  Information available includes:   

  • General student demographic information
  • Grades
  • Attendance
  • Schedules
  • Discipline records
  • Health records
  • Official Report Cards
  • Unofficial Transcripts (for students in 10th-12th grade)
  • Online Registration (new to district and returning student)

The information in Family Access is 'real time' based on data in the District's Skyward Student Information Management System.  However, remember that grades are 'fluid' and change daily/weekly as the teachers add assignments and grades to the system. Family Access is secured by a unique username and password for each user to assure security and privacy.  

Forgot Your Login or Password:

If you have forgotten your username or password you can send an email to Please always include the student's full name and campus information in your email.

Family Access Support

Always include your student's full name and campus in your email.