Hospitality and Tourism
Principles of Hospitality and Tourism
Grade: 9–12/Credit: 1
Prerequisite: None
Principles of Hospitality and Tourism introduces students to an industry that encompasses lodging, travel and tourism, recreation, amusements, attractions, and food/beverage operations. Students learn knowledge and skills focusing on communication, time management, and customer service that meet industry standards. Students will explore the history of the hospitality and tourism industry and examine characteristics needed for success in that industry.
Introduction to Culinary Arts
Grade: 9–10/Credit: 1
Prerequisite: None
Introduction to Culinary Arts will emphasize the principles of planning, organizing, staffing, directing, and controlling the management of a variety of food service operations. The course will provide insight into the operation of a well-run restaurant. Introduction to Culinary Arts will provide insight into food production skills, various levels of industry management, and hospitality skills. This is an entry level course for students interested in pursuing a career in the food service industry and offered as a classroom and laboratory-based course.
Culinary Arts
Grade: 10–12/Credits: 2
Prerequisite: None
Culinary Arts begins with the fundamentals and principles of the art of cooking and the science of baking and includes management and production skills and techniques. Students can pursue a national sanitation certification or other appropriate industry certifications. This is a laboratory-based course.
Advanced Culinary Arts
Grade: 10–12/Credits: 2
Prerequisite: Culinary Arts
Advanced Culinary Arts will extend content and enhance skills introduced in Culinary Arts by in-depth instruction of industry-driven standards to prepare students for success in higher education, certifications, and/or immediate employment.
Food Science
Grade: 11–12/Credit: 1
Prerequisites: Three units of science, including Chemistry and Biology
In Food Science students conduct laboratory and field investigations, use scientific methods during investigations, and make informed decisions using critical thinking and scientific problem solving. Food Science is the study of the nature of foods, the causes of deterioration in food products, the principles underlying food processing, and the improvement of foods for the consuming public.
Note: This course satisfies a science credit requirement for students on the Foundation High School Program.