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Longhorn substitutes play an important role in improving student achievement. In addition, substitute teaching provides an opportunity to gain experience and see first-hand what it takes to be an effective teacher in Cedar Hill ISD.

Eligibility Requirements

Guest teaching provides an opportunity to gain experience and see first-hand what it takes to be a successful classroom teacher. Guest teachers who are certified teachers earn $115-$130 per day, depending on the length of the assignment, while non-certified degreed guest teachers earn $90-$100 per day. Guest teachers with a minimum of 60 hours of college credit, earn from $80-$95 per day, depending on the type and length of the assignment.  

Guest Paraprofessional

We also offer interested candidates the opportunity to substitute for paraprofessionals (clerical and/or teacher's aides) within the district. Paraprofessionals earn up to $95 per day depending on the type and length of the assignment.

Eligibility Requirements:

Interview Process 

All eligible guest teacher candidates will be interviewed prior to being hired. Once hired, guest teachers will complete an in-person orientation prior to taking assignments in our schools. The orientation process will cover topics such as pay dates, benefits, dress code, ethics training, and other topics relevant to the guest teacher role.

  • Must have a minimum of 60 college credit hours (verified via transcript).
  • Must possess strong organizational, communication, and interpersonal skills.
  • Must be flexible in the job assignment.
  • High School Diploma.
  • Must possess strong organizational, communication, and interpersonal skills.
  • Must be flexible in the job assignment