Title I Parental Involvement Policy
Parental Involvement Policy 2024-2025
Cedar Hill ISD Mission Statement:
The mission of Cedar Hill Independent School District is to develop resilient scholars who excel academically and are empowered to serve.
Statement of Purpose:
In an effort to provide every student with a high quality education, Cedar Hill ISD is committed to cultivating a strong partnership with parents/guardians, students, and community stakeholders that fosters and increases student achievement while educating the whole child. Parent engagement is an essential element in a student’s academic success. Students who have ongoing positive support from home have higher grades, higher standardized test scores, lower drop-out rates, and have an overall greater appreciation for their education than students who lack support from home. Students that demonstrate a need for extra assistance will be provided with additional resources and programs.
Parent Involvement in Developing the Policy and Plan:
- A group of parent volunteers from across the district will be invited to provide input on all matters related to parental involvement in Title I, Part A programs and the district and/or campus improvement plan as it relates to parental involvement and family engagement.
- Parents may also provide feedback via the suggestion option on the district website or by emailing face@chisd.net.
- Community-based organizations and businesses, including faith-based organizations, may be invited to provide input regarding parental involvement activities as deemed appropriate by the district.
- Meetings will be held at a convenient time and location to participate in a comprehensive review of policy, budget, and programs for parental involvement.
Coordination of Programs:
- The Director of Family and Community Engagement will collaborate with State and Federal Programs staff, administrators, and campus parent liaisons to provide support, training, and assistance in building and promoting family engagement opportunities via monthly liaison meetings and extended cabinet meetings, when necessary.
- Cedar Hill ISD will annually assess the needs of parents and students using a variety of tools, including a survey or questionnaire. The data collected will be used to revise the Title I program.
- Parent-centered workshops and trainings will be publicized and made available to the community to address the needs identified in the annual survey.
Building Capacity:
- Title I campuses will hold at least one (1) meeting annually to review Title I guidelines and services offered at the campus level.
- This meeting will be publicized in a variety of ways, including websites, call-outs/email blasts, marquees, social media, and flyers sent home.
- Meeting documents will be provided in English and Spanish.
- An interpreter will be provided, as necessary and feasible, for non-English speaking parents/guardians.
- A minimum of one (1) scheduled parent conference will be held after the first marking period. The school-parent compact will be described and explained, in addition to the grade level curriculum, assessment instruments, and benchmarks of student progress during the first eight weeks as well.
- A second parent conference will be held during the second semester of school.
- Parents will be provided with resources and trainings at the campus and district level that assist them with strategies and best practices for assisting their students at home regarding the curriculum. Each Title I campus shall maintain a Parent Resource Center that contains technology and current resources that are readily accessible to parents.
- The workshops will be conducted by district personnel, community organizations, and/or outside consultants to educate parents, teachers, , administrators, and other staff on the significance of parental involvement, implementing and coordinating parent programs, and strengthening the school-home connection.
- Each campus’s Parent Liaison will conduct a minimum of one (1) capacity building event or workshop each semester. This event or workshop will be specific to the needs of each campus as identified in the Campus’s Comprehensive Needs Assessment (CNA). Each event or workshop will be open to their campus parents.
- The Director of Family and Community Engagement will use the website and social media to communicate home strategies and resources to assist parents with monitoring student progress.
- Cedar Hill ISD will, to the extent feasible and appropriate, coordinate and integrate family and parental involvement strategies, under Title I with the following other programs: United Way of Metropolitan Dallas, Right at School, Cub Scouts of America, Cedar Hill Action Team (CHAT), Tag Team Tutoring, Sylvan Learning, Communities Foundation of Texas/Educate Texas, Healthcare agencies, Family Literacy programs, and state-run programs.
- All parent communications regarding meetings and activities will be provided to parents in a format that is easily understood and, to the extent practical, in a language the parent understands. Most communication will be provided in English and Spanish. The district and campus call-out system, social media, emails, campus marquees, websites, newsletters, and/or flyers will be used to ensure parents are aware of upcoming parental involvement activities and meetings.
- Cedar Hill ISD will, to the extent feasible, extend the opportunity to parents to attend Parental Involvement Conferences, Workshops, and/or Expos so they may gain essential knowledge and resources regarding meeting student and family needs.
- Cedar Hill ISD will maintain a committee of parents to ensure that parents may provide input on matters related to Title I Parental Involvement activities, budgets, and policies. Committee members will be encouraged to solicit feedback from their local campus parents and community members.
Annual Evaluation:
- District personnel, with the involvement of parents, will evaluate the effectiveness and revise the content of the parental involvement activities and the District Parental Involvement Policy on an annual basis.
- Surveys, assessment data, and other resources will be used to identify barriers to greater participation by parents in parental involvement opportunities. Particular attention will be given to parents who are economically disadvantaged, disabled, have limited English proficiency, or limited literacy.
Involving Parents in Activities of Title I Campuses:
- Each campus will create and maintain a welcoming and family-friendly environment that encourages and promotes parental involvement.
- Each campus shall ensure signage that clearly identifies the direction of common areas, such as parent resource centers, libraries, gyms, cafeterias, etc. is available. In addition, signage should be posted that indicates grade level wings, where appropriate, and teacher names should be clearly visible outside of their classrooms. Signage should be in English and Spanish where appropriate.
- All Title I communications related to parent workshops, meetings, and other activities will be provided to parents in a timely fashion and in an understandable format, including alternative formats upon request, and, to the extent practical, in a language that the parents can understand.
- Interpreters will be provided, as needed, for Spanish speaking and/or hearing-impaired parents/guardians.
- Title I Parent Involvement Policies and Compacts will be provided in both English and Spanish.
- To the extent possible and/or warranted, childcare will be provided so that parents may fully engage in school-related meetings and parental involvement workshops.
- Activities and workshops will be held at a variety of times so that parents have ample opportunity to participate and engage in the process.
By working together and continuing to evaluate the effectiveness of our programs, we can ensure that each child is a successful learner and develops into a productive and contributing citizen.