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Counseling Services

Mission Statement:
The mission of Cedar Hill ISD Counseling Department is to provide a proactive, comprehensive, and developmentally appropriate program to address students' academic and career goals in addition to supporting their personal and social needs to enable all students to become successful, productive citizens and lifelong learners in a diverse and changing world.

Vision Statement:
The Cedar Hill ISD Counseling Department will empower all students to reach their maximum potential by using a comprehensive program that addresses academic, personal/social, and career goals.  We will promote an environment to encourage personal inquiry and growth, social responsibility, and academic excellence. 

Belief Statements:

  • Every student can succeed through the collaborative efforts of school, home, and community leading to responsible and productive citizenship. 
  • The diverse needs of all students must be addressed through the school counseling program
  • Every student needs appropriate personal, social, and emotional skills to achieve optimum benefits from the educational program.
  • A comprehensive, developmental school counseling program is not a support service but an integral part of the total education program

Contact Us

Regular Hours:
Monday through Thursday
8 AM to 4:30 PM
8 AM to 4 PM

Summer Hours (June/July):
Monday through Thursday
7:30 AM to 5:30 PM
Closed on Friday

Contact Information:


Dr. Courtney Jackson, Executive Director of Counseling Services
972.291.1581 Ext. 4233

Connect with us on Social Media!

@CHISDCounselors on Twitter

Digital Staff Academy Video
November Newsletter