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Social Media

Cedar Hill ISD Approved Social Media Accounts

Social media is a highly effective free communication tool available to CHISD schools and departments. 

  • Facebook: Facebook CedarhillISD
  • X:  (formerly known as Twitter) (@CedarHillISD)
  • Instagram: @CedarHillISD & @TeenSuper

Benefits of X (formerly known as Twitter)


  • An easy social media platform to consistently maintain. 
  • Best social media platform to connect with other campuses and departments

Benefits of Facebook


  • The social media platform most likely to connect with parents
  • Biggest user base is moms ages 25-34

Registering Your District Social Media Site

Social media sites being used by individuals to conduct school or district business, must be registered with CHISD Communications. Registering your professional social media site with the CHISD Communications department allows the Communication Department to offer support and guidance to staff.  Click here to register your district social media site.


Cedar Hill High School @Cedar_Hill_HS
Cedar Hill Collegiate High School CH_Collegiate
Permenter Middle School @PermenterCH
Coleman Middle School @BessieColemanMS
Collegiate Academy Middle School CH_Collegiate
Bray Elementary @brayelementary
Plummer Elementary @plummer_strong
High Pointe Elementary @ChisdHighpointe
Highlands Elementary @CHISDHighlands
Waterford Oaks Elementary CHISD_WOE
Lake Ridge Elementary @LRELonghorns
Collegiate Prep Elementary @CHISDCP
Department Twitter Instagram
Athletics @CHLonghorns @Cedarhilllonghorns
Boy's Basketball @chhsbbasketball @CedarHillLonghornsBoysBball
Football @TheHillTthlFB
Cheer @chhshorncheer
Volleyball @ch_hsvolleyball
Girl's Soccer @CHWomensSoccer
Athletic Training @WeBleed LHRed