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Flyer Distribution Policy


Agencies or organizations requesting to distribute flyers and other publications to Cedar Hill ISD students or staff must have permission for distribution from the Communications and Marketing Office. A request form must be completed for each flyer the agency or organization wishes to distribute.

Steps to submitting a Request for Material Distribution:
1. Complete the Request for Material Distribution form and submit a sample of the flyer/publication to be distributed to communications.

2. CHISD reviews submissions once a week. Please note: Materials will not be accepted or approved for distribution during the first and last week of school or during testing.

3. If approved, the agency/organization will be contacted via email with instructions for distribution. If denied, the agency/organization will be notified via email.

4. Each agency/organization will be responsible for the printing/copying, bundling, and drop-off of the flyers/publications to the schools selected. A copy of the approval letter must accompany each delivery. CHISD will not deliver your materials to schools through its mail or email systems.

Each flyer/publication must include the following disclaimer in at least 10-point font size on the first page:

“These materials are neither sponsored nor endorsed by Cedar Hill ISD, its agents, or employees. The views and information contained in these materials do not reflect the approval or disapproval of the Board of Trustees or school administration.”

Requests submitted without this disclaimer on the flyer/publication will be automatically denied.

Please email materials to
Submissions will be reviewed on a weekly basis. Approval doesn't guarantee distribution.

Approval Guidelines 

All flyers considered for distribution from outside organizations must:

  • Not directly conflict with CHISD programs.
  • Support CHISD mission, vision and goals.
  • Not offer activities, goods or services related to alcohol, drugs, firearms or weapons, illegal materials or activities, activities advocating violence or lawlessness, dangerous activities or activities otherwise not suitable for school-aged children.
  • Not be political in nature, and may not advocate for or against any political candidate, issue or decision being considered or discussed by any elected official, governmental entity or public organization.
  • Contain information stating who is sponsoring the event and include contact information as a resource for parents.