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Work-Related Injuries

Work-Related Injuries: 

Do you know what to do if you are injured on the job?  If you are unsure what to do, please familiarize yourself with the following procedures.

The procedures outlined below are based on regulations and laws defined by the Division of Workers’ Compensation for the State of Texas. 

  • When an employee incurs an on-the-job injury, it must be reported to the designated person(s).  Each campus's health clinic employee(s) is the first contact.  For department employees, injuries should be reported to their direct supervisor. 

  • The injured employee will then be given an Employee Injury Report (EIR) packet.  The report must be completed, signed, and dated by the injured worker and a campus administrator or department supervisor. Then, the report should be returned to the clinic personnel or supervisor, who should forward it to the Benefits Department within 24 hours. FAX: 972-293-7727 Scan/email 

  • The campus clinic personnel or supervisor should maintain a copy. The employee should keep the original.

  • If the employee needs emergency treatment by a hospital ER and cannot drive themselves or does not have a family member to help, call 911.  The campus clinic personnel or supervisor should contact Kathy Shaw immediately with the employee's name and the facility where the employee is transported. THE EIR should then be completed by campus clinic personnel or the supervisor to the best of their knowledge and submitted to the Benefits Department.

All TRS RETIREMENT questions should be directed to the appropriate department at Teacher Retirement System of Texas. 1-800-223-8778

FAMILY AND MEDICAL LEAVE ACT (FMLA) – Please send all requests and questions regarding FMLA by email to the Benefits Office at