School Budget
Tax Rate
School budgets and tax rates are made up of two parts: Maintenance and Operation (M&O) and Interest and Sinking (I&S). The money generated from each part can only be used for specific types of expenses.
Funding coming into this bucket is primarily used for operating the district. Employee salaries and benefits; student educational resources; classroom supplies and equipment; and contracted services – like utilities, insurance, legal and audit services, etc. – are paid from this source of funding.
Funds from this portion of the tax rate can only be used 1) to pay off bonds sold for construction and capital improvements to facilities and 2) to buy furniture, equipment and/or to purchase land. I&S funds cannot be used for operational costs, such as salaries and benefits, nor can these funds be used to construct facilities. They can only be used to pay down outstanding debt. A school district can only take on new debt through a voter-approved bond election.
CHISD's Tax Rate History
The Cedar Hill ISD’s total tax rate has dropped each year since 2018, and is the lowest it’s been in 10 years!