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Power Up- Longhorns Connected

As part of the Power Up:Longhorns Connected initiative, every scholar will receive a Chromebook to aid in their learning.  


In Cedar Hill ISD, our Power Up: Longhorns Connected program will continue our commitment of unlocking every Longhorn’s potential. 

Having digital devices available to scholars 24/7 will support the design of lessons that meet the individual needs of learners both inside and outside the four walls of the traditional classroom. Technology is a foundational tool scholars will use to support the development of the attributes of the Cedar Hill ISD Learner Profile.

The goal of Cedar Hill ISD’s Power Up: Longhorns Connected is to empower our scholars so they leave us with the skills and knowledge needed to be globally competitive, now and in the future.


Every scholar enrolled in CHISD will participate in the Power Up: Longhorns Connected initiative. Every CHISD scholar will receive a Chromebook that is labeled with a CHISD barcode, a protective case with their name on it, and a power cord.

Devices at Home

Chromebook use will be filtered and monitored both on and off campus using a district owned filter and management software.

Additional information Can be found in the Power Up: Longhorns Connected Handbook or within the questions below. If your question is not addressed below, you can also email  for more information.

If you are unable to resolve issues with your device, the next step would be to email or contact the campus technical assitant in the Library. This email will be routed to the person who can best help you solve your problem.

Device Pick Up Photos