Pre-K & Kindergarten
For the 2024-25 school year, Cedar Hill ISD will offer Pre-K 3 programs at two CHISD elementary schools:
Waterford Oaks Elementary School
Lake Ridge Elementary School (general education prek, Montessori prek is at capacity)
Enrolling your scholar in an early childhood education is one of the best decisions you can make! Ninety percent of the brain is developed by the age of five. Cedar Hill ISD pre-k and kindergarten focus on readiness skills in all academic areas as well as the important social, emotional, and problem-solving skills they will need for success in school.
Cedar Hill ISD Elementary Schools
- Collegiate Prep Elementary School
- Highlands Elementary School
- High Pointe Elementary School
- Lake Ridge Elementary School
- Plummer Elementary School
- Waterford Oaks Elementary School
Collegiate Prep Elementary School
Highlands Elementary School
High Pointe Elementary School
Lake Ridge Elementary School
Plummer Elementary School
Waterford Oaks Elementary School
Benefits of Pre-Kindergarten
Brain development in the years prior to starting school builds the foundation for success in school, at work, and throughout life. When children arrive at kindergarten without a solid foundation of skills, they are likely to fall behind their classmates, and with each year it will become harder to catch up.
School readiness is a good predictor of long-term achievement.Research suggests that there are four key dimensions of readiness:
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- My scholar and our family are new to CHISD
- I have a scholar already enrolled in CHISD
- Why Pre-K & Kindergarten?
- What does CHISD Pre-K programs include?
- Pre-K & Kinder in Cedar Hill ISD