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Bilingual ESL


The Cedar Hill ISD Bilingual/ESL Department is committed to providing the Longhorn experience by meeting the affective, linguistic, and cognitive needs of our  language learners to ensure their continued academic success.

How we serve you:

  • Support the development of bilingualism, biliteracy, and biculturalism for all students 
  • Developing stronger cognitive and academic skills


For TREX record request contact:

Guadalupe Ramirez at 972-291-1581 ext. 4446

 What is the purpose of the Bilingual Education program?
  • Enable students to become competent in literacy and academic skills in English through their native language.
  • To help English language learners (ELL) master the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) required by the state.

 Who does the Bilingual Education program serve?

  • Students whose native language is other than English and whose English language skills are such that the student is having difficulty performing class work in English. 

Will my child be taught the same subjects and learn the same skills as students in the general education program? 

  • Yes, all students in Bilingual Education will receive instruction in the TEKS in their native language and English. 
  • Yes, language arts, reading, mathematics, science and social studies are taught as part of the state-required curriculum.  
  • Yes, in subjects such as art, music, and physical education, students will have a meaningful opportunity to participate fully with English speaking students which are part of a balanced curriculum. 

Will my child learn English in a Bilingual Education program? 

  • Yes, the mastery of English listening, speaking, reading and writing skills are required in the Bilingual Education program. 
  • Yes, English as a Second Language (ESL) instruction is an integral part of the Bilingual Education program. 
  • Yes, the academic instruction in the native language facilitates the transition to English.

How do I know if my child has been recommended for placement in the Bilingual Education program? 

  • The Language Proficiency Assessment Committee (LPAC) that determines how students are identified, placed, instructed and assessed shall give written notice to the student’s parent advising that their child has been recommended for the Bilingual Education program.
  • The LPAC should provide information describing the Bilingual Education program, its benefits to the student, and it being an integral part of the school program to ensure that parents understand the purposes and content of the program.

Which Bilingual Education program does CHISD implement?

PK - 1st grade:

  • Reading/Language Arts: Students' native language (120 minutes)
  • Math: English (90 minutes)
  • Science: Spanish (45 minutes)
  • Social Studies: Spanish (45 minutes)

2nd - 5th grade:

  • Reading: Spanish (60 minutes) and English (60 minutes)
  • Math: English (90 minutes)
  • Science: Spanish (45 minutes)
  • Social Studies: Spanish (45 minutes) 

Program Specifics:

  • All students receive formal literacy instruction in their native language first. Beginning in 2nd grade, students receive literacy instruction in both English and Spanish.
  • Homework assignments will be assigned in English and Spanish but should be able to be completed independently by the student.
  • Students engage in language development activities daily during Language of the Day activities and Bilingual Learning Centers (PK-2).
  • Students in grades 3-5 participate in intentional activities to facilitate language transfer of academic vocabulary during Language of the Day, Specialized Vocabulary Enrichment, Bilingual Research Centers and Computer/Science Lab to further develop biliteracy.
  • Students will learn in an environment that promotes and supports bilingualism, biliteracy, and biculturalism.
students dancing