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Submitting Public Comments

Speaking at the Board of Trustees Board Meeting

Members of the public who wish to provide public comment or testimony to the Board at the designated time during a Board meeting must sign up in advance of the Board meeting by submitting a public comment card.  Signup will open one hour before the posted meeting start time and close at the posted meeting start time.

Additional public comment information:

Public Comments at regular Board Meetings will be conducted in accordance with BED(LOCAL) and the Board's procedures on public comments. At the meetings other than regular Board Meetings, public comments are limited to items on the posted meeting notice and agenda. At regular meetings, comments on other topics may be allowed as time permits. The Board asks that each participant's comments be no longer than three minutes. For any member of the public who is accompanied by a translator, your time will be doubled as required by law.

Remember that the Board may not discuss or act upon any issues that are not posted on the agenda.

Personally identifiable information should not be included in public comment. Complaints against district employees or officers should be made through the District grievance policies and procedures, available at The presiding officer or designee shall refer individuals to the appropriate policy seek resolution; employee complaints: DGBA; student or parent complaints: FNG; public complaints: GF. 

Signup will open the day of the posted meeting and close one hour prior to the posted meeting start time. Written submissions to the board are subject to public disclosure in accordance with the law and must follow the same guidelines for public comment.