School Board
The Board of Trustees needs YOU!
About the Board of Trustees
The Cedar Hill ISD Board of Trustees consists of seven members elected to serve, without compensation, for overlapping terms of three years each. Operating within the legal parameters of the state and federal constitutions, statutes, courts and administrative agencies, the board is charged with the responsibility of providing the finest educational program possible for the students in the district. School trustees make all final decisions regarding school district priorities, policies, personnel, textbooks, expenditures and growth management. Trustees adopt a budget which is necessary to maintain and operate the schools, levy taxes to support the budget and submit bond issues to the citizens of the district to finance construction projects. The board employs and evaluates the superintendent.
Board Meetings & Agendas
The Cedar Hill ISD Board of Trustees participates in a variety of meetings. While these meetings are open to the public (with the exception of closed sessions), these are not meetings of the public. The purpose of the meetings is to conduct district business and provide the members of the board an opportunity to discuss issues with each other and with staff.
CHISD Board Mission, Vision and Goals
Mission: To develop resilient scholars who excel academically and are empowered to serve
Vision: Unlocking every Longhorn's potential
Motto: Educate. Empower. Inspire.
Goal #1- Increase the percentage of scholars graduating College, Career & Military Ready
Goal #2- Increase the percentage of 3rd grade (all students) scholars reading at or above grade level
Goal #3- Increase the percentage of Algebra 1 scholars scoring Meets or Above
Goal #4- Increase the percentage of scholars participating in extra-curricular or co-curricular activities
Contact the Board of Trustees
All trustees may be reached by voice mail, email and U.S. mail. Voice mail numbers and email addresses are listed on the Meet the Trustees page with corresponding photos.
To send a message via U.S. mail, write to:
Cedar Hill ISD Board of Trustees
Administration Building
285 Uptown Blvd., Bldg. 300
Cedar Hill, Texas 75104