Required Postings
- Texas Association of School Administrators Required Postings
- District Legal Compliances
- Texas Public Information Act
- District & Campus Improvement Plans
- Campus Title I Parental Involvement Policy
- Texas Academic Performance Report for CHISD
- Texas Education Federal Report Card
- Social Media Rules of Engagement
- Title IX
- District Accountability Report
- USDA Nondiscrimination Statement
Texas Association of School Administrators Required Postings
CHISD Administrative Postings to meet Required Postings Provisions
Notice of School Board Meeting (Government Code, §551.056(a)-(b)): Requires the posting of a meeting notice on the district’s website, if a website is maintained.
- Cedar Hill ISD posts notices of School Board meetings to the district website in the School Board section of the district website.
Link to posted Board Meetings:
Agenda for School Board Meeting (Government Code, §551.056): Requires the agenda to be concurrently posted with the meeting notice on the website if the school district maintains a website and contains all or part of the area within the corporate boundaries of a municipality with a population of 48,000 or more.
- Cedar Hill ISD posts briefs and agendas for School Board meetings to the district website in the School Board section of the district website.
- Link to Board agendas:
Texas Academic Performance Report, District Rating (Education Code, §39.362), as amended by HB 3 (81st Legislature)): Requires a school district that maintains a website to post the most recent campus report card for each campus in the district, the information in the most recent performance report, the most recent accreditation status and performance rating of the district, and a definition and explanation of each accreditation status and performance rating.
- Cedar Hill ISD posts Academic Performance Reports and Accountability Ratings to the district website under the following sections on the district website:
- Link to Academic Performance Report:
- Link to District Accountability Rating:
- Link to Campus Accountability Ratings:
Targeted Improvement Plan (Education Code, §39.106(e-1)(2), as amended by HB 3 (81stLegislature)): Requires a school district to post on its website, prior to a hearing, the targeted improvement plan a board of trustees will consider.
- Cedar Hill ISD posts Targeted Improvement Plans and Campus Improvement Plans on an annual basis to the district website under Required Postings.
- Link:
School Board’s Employment Policies (Education Code, §21.204(d)): Required the posting of the employment policies on the district website.
- Cedar Hill ISD posts Employment Policies as part of their Board Policy Manual, which is posted in the School Board section and the main page popular links section of the district website.
- Link to the Cedar Hill ISD Board Policy Manual:
- Link to the Cedar Hill ISD Board Policy Manual, Employment Policies section:
Conflict Disclosure Statements and Questionnaires (Local Government Code, §176.009(a), as amended by HB 1491 (80th Legislature)): Requires access to statements and questionnaires on the website if a school district maintains a website; school districts are not required to maintain a website.
- Cedar Hill ISD posts Conflict Disclosure Statements and Questionnaires to the General Business Documents page
- Link: of Interest Questionnaire.pdf
- Completed trustee forms: Conflict of Interest forms
Vacancy Postings (Education Code, §11.1513(d)(1)(B), as amended by SB 300 (81th Legislature)): Allows at least ten days’ notice of a vacant position requiring a certificate or license to be posted on the district’s website, if the school district maintains a website.
- Cedar Hill ISD posts vacant positions requiring a certificate or license to the Human Resources section of the district website under Employment Opportunities.
- Link:
Superintendent’s Contract (FIRST, Title 19 Administrative Code, §109.1005(b)(2)(A)): Allows the publication of the superintendent’s contract on the district’s Internet website in lieu of submitting it in the district’s annual financial management report.
- Cedar Hill ISD posts the Superintendent’s Contract in the Superintendent’s department of the website.
- Link:
CHISD Financial Postings to meet Required Postings Provisions
- Maintenance and Operations Tax Rate (Tax Code, §26.05(b)): Requires a school district to post on its website a statement that indicates that it adopted a tax rate that will raise more taxes for maintenance and operations than last year’s tax rate.
- Cedar Hill ISD posts Budget and Tax Rate information to the Business Office section of the district website under Business Office Documents.
- Link:
Summary of Proposed Budget (Education Code, §44.0041, as amended during the 79thLegislature, Third Called Session): Requires a school district to post on the district’s website a summary of the proposed budget if it maintains a website; summary must be concurrently posted with notice of the budget.
- Cedar Hill ISD posts the Budget Summaries to the Business Office section of the district website under Business Transparency Page.
- Link:
Adopted Budget (Education Code, §39.084, as amended by HB 3 (81st Legislature)): Requires a school district to prominently display on the district’s website for three years an external link of the budget adopted by the board of trustees.
- Cedar Hill ISD posts the Adopted Budget to the Business Office section of the district website under Business Transparency Page.
- Link:
Landowner’s Bill of Rights (Property Code, §21.0112(b)(2), as amended by HB 1495 (80th Legislature)): Requires a school district to make available, if technologically feasible, on its Internet website a landowner’s bill of rights prepared by the Attorney General.
- Cedar Hill ISD posts the Landowner’s Bill of Rights information to the Legal Compliance page of the website.
- Link:
- The Landowners Bill of Rights is also available on the Attorney General of Texas website.
- Link:
Immunization Awareness (Education Code, §38.019, as amended by HB 1059 (80th Legislature)): Requires a school district that maintains a website to prominently post in English and Spanish the immunizations required for public school, any immunizations or vaccines recommended for public school students, any health clinics that offer the influenza vaccine, and a link to the Department of State Health Services website where a person can learn about the procedures to claim an exemption from the immunization requirements.
- Cedar Hill ISD posts Immunization Awareness information in both English and Spanish to the Health Services section of the district website.
- Link:
Non-Discrimination Statement
It is the policy of the Cedar Hill Independent School District not to discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, disability or age in its employment or in providing education or access to benefits of educational services, activities and programs. The following person is designated to handle inquiries regarding non-discrimination policies:
Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources
285 Uptown Blvd.
Cedar Hill, TX 75104
972-291-1581 (x4031)
District Legal Compliances
Landowners Bill of Rights
The Private Real Property Rights Preservation Act represents a basic charter for the protection of private real property rights in Texas. The Act represents the Texas legislature's acknowledgment of the importance of protecting private real property interests.PRPRPA's purpose is to ensure that certain governmental entities take a "hard look" at their actions on private real property rights, and that those entities act according to the letter and spirit of the Act.PRPRPA is, in short, another instrument to ensure open and responsible government. For more information on the Private Real Property Rights Preservation Act, visit the Texas Attorney General's website by clicking the link below. |
Non-Discrimination Statement In accordance with Federal law, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability. In accordance with Title IX, the district does not discriminate on the basis of sex and is required not to discriminate on the basis of sex in its educational programs or activities. The requirement not to discriminate extends to employment and admission. Inquiries about the application of Title IX may be referred to the district’s Title IX coordinator, to the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights of the Department of Education, or both. The district designates and authorizes the following employee as the Title IX coordinator to address concerns or inquiries regarding discrimination based on sex, including sexual harassment: Reports can be made at any time and by any person, including during non-business hours, by mail, email, or phone. During district business hours, reports may also be made in person. The district designates and authorizes the following employee as the Age Discrimination Act coordinator for concerns regarding discrimination on the basis of age: The district designates and authorizes the following employee as the Americans with Disabilities Act/Section 504 coordinator for concerns regarding discrimination on the basis of a disability: Dr. Norbert Whitaker Executive Director of Student Services 285 Uptown Blvd Ste 300 Cedar Hill, TX 75104 972- 291-1581 X 4249 All other concerns regarding discrimination: Dr. Norbert Whitaker Executive Director of Student Services 285 Uptown Blvd Ste 300 Cedar Hill, TX 75104 972- 291-1581 X 4249
Tobacco Free Zone
All Cedar Hill ISD facilities are a tobacco free zone. Cedar Hill ISD Student Code of Conduct states that students are prohibited at school and all school-related activities to possess or use tobacco products. Discipline will be designed to improve conduct and to encourage students to adhere to their responsibilities as members of the school community. Disciplinary action will draw on the professional judgment of teachers and administrators and on a range of discipline management techniques. Unless a specific discipline is required elsewhere in the Student Code of Conduct, discipline will be correlated to the seriousness of the offense, the student's age and grade level, the frequency of misbehavior, the student's attitude, the effect of the misconduct on the school environment, and statutory requirements. Because of these factors, discipline for a particular offense (unless otherwise specified by law) may bring into consideration varying techniques and responses. |
Texas Public Information Act
Texas Government Code, Chapter 552, gives you the right to access government records; and an officer for public information and the officer's agent may not ask why you want them. All government information is presumed to be available to the public. Certain exceptions may apply to the disclosure of the information. Governmental bodies shall promptly release requested information that is not confidential by law, either constitutional, statutory, or by judicial decision, or information for which an exception to disclosure has not been sought.
Rights of Requesters
You have the right to:
- Prompt access to information that is not confidential or otherwise protected;
- Receive treatment equal to all other requesters, including accommodation in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requirements;
- Receive certain kinds of information without exceptions, like the voting record of public officials, and other information;
- Receive a written statement of estimated charges, when charges will exceed $40, in advance of work being started and opportunity to modify the request in response to the itemized statement;
- Choose whether to inspect the requested information (most often at no charge), receive copies of the information or both;
- A waiver or reduction of charges if the governmental body determines that access to the information primarily benefits the general public;
- Receive a copy of the communication from the governmental body asking the Office of the Attorney General for a ruling on whether the information can be withheld under one of the accepted exceptions, or if the communication discloses the requested information, a redacted copy;
- Lodge a written complaint about overcharges for public information with the Attorney General Office. Complaints of other possible violations may be filed with the county or district attorney of the county where the governmental body, other than a state agency, is located. If the complaint is against the county or district attorney, the complaint must be filed with the Office of the Attorney General.
Responsibilities of Governmental Bodies
All governmental bodies responding to information requests have the responsibility to:
- Establish reasonable procedures for inspecting or copying public information and inform requesters of these procedures;
- Treat all requesters uniformly and shall give to the requesters all reasonable comfort and facility, including accommodation in accordance with ADA requirements;
- Be informed about open records laws and educate employees on the requirements of those laws;
- Inform requesters of the estimated charges greater than $40 and any changes in the estimates above 20 percent of the original estimate, and confirm that the requester accepts the charges, or has amended the request, in writing before finalizing the request;
- Inform the requester if the information cannot be provided promptly and set a date and time to provide it within a reasonable time;
- Request a ruling from the Office of the Attorney General regarding any information the governmental body wishes to withhold, and send a copy of the request for ruling, or a redacted copy, to the requester;
- Segregate public information from information that may be withheld and provide that public information promptly;
- Make a good faith attempt to inform third parties when their proprietary information is being requested from the governmental body;
- Respond in writing to all written communications from the Office of the Attorney General regarding charges for the information.
- Respond to the Office of the Attorney General regarding complaints about violations of the Act.
Procedures to Obtain Information
- Submit a written request by mail, fax, email or in person according to a governmental body's reasonable procedures.
- Include enough description and detail about the information requested to enable the governmental body to accurately identify and locate the information requested.
- Cooperate with the governmental body's reasonable efforts to clarify the type or amount of information requested.
Information to be released
You may review it promptly, and if it cannot be produced within 10 working days the public information officer will notify you in writing of the reasonable date and time when it will be available. Keep all appointments to inspect records and to pick up copies. Failure to keep appointments may result in losing the opportunity to inspect the information at the time requested.
Cost of Records
As provided by Texas Government Code § 552.261, the following estimate is an amount that reasonably includes all costs related to reproducing the public information, including costs of materials, labor, and overhead. The estimate is based on the district’s determination regarding what documents you are requesting and is subject to change upon receipt of any narrowing and/or clarification of your request.
The charges are set forth in 1 TAC § 70.3:
- The charges for standard paper copies reproduced by means of an office machine copier or a computer printer is $.10 per page or part of a page. Each side that has recorded information is considered a page.
- The charge for labor costs incurred in processing your request for public information is $15.00 an hour and includes the actual time to locate, compile, manipulate data and reproduce the requested information. It also includes the time spent to redact any confidential information in order to release the public information. Since the estimate for your request includes costs of labor, you may require the district’s officer for public information or the officer's agent to provide you with a written statement as to the amount of time that was required to produce and provide the copy.
Information that may be withheld due to an exception
By the 10th business day after a governmental body receives your written request, a governmental body must:
- request an Attorney General opinion and state which exceptions apply;
- notify the requester of the referral to the Attorney General; and
- notify third parties if the request involves their proprietary information.
- Failure to request an Attorney General opinion and notify the requester within 10 business days will result in a presumption that the information is open unless there is a compelling reason to withhold it.
- Requesters may send a letter to the Attorney General arguing for release, and may review arguments made by the governmental body. If the arguments disclose the requested information, the requester may obtain a redacted copy.
- The Attorney General must issue a decision no later than the 45th working day from the day after the attorney general received the request for a decision. The attorney general may request an additional 10 working day extension.
- Governmental bodies may not ask the Attorney General to "reconsider" an opinion.
To request information from this governmental body, please contact: The Office of the Superintendent
You may send your request:
- By submitting online form: Open Records Request Online Form
- By mail to: Tierney Tinnin, Open Records Administrator, 285 Uptown Blvd. #300 Cedar Hill, Texas 75104
- By e-mail to:
- By fax to: 972.291.5231
- In person at: 285 Uptown Blvd. #300 Cedar Hill, Texas 75104
For complaints regarding failure to release public information please contact your local County or District Attorney - for Dallas County, you may call 214.653.3600 (Dallas County District Attorney).
You may also contact the Office of the Attorney General, Open Records Hotline, at 512-478-6736 or toll-free at 1-877-673-6839. For complaints regarding overcharges, please contact the AG Cost Rules Administrator at 512-475-2497.
If you need special accommodation pursuant to the Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA), contact our ADA coordinator, 972-291-1581.
District & Campus Improvement Plans
- District
- Collegiate Prep Elementary
- High Pointe Elementary
- Highlands Elementary
- Lake Ridge Elementary
- Plummer Elementary
- Waterford Oaks Elementary
- Bessie Coleman Middle School
- Permenter Middle School
- Collegiate Academy & High School
- Cedar Hill High School
Collegiate Prep Elementary
High Pointe Elementary
Highlands Elementary
Lake Ridge Elementary
Plummer Elementary
Waterford Oaks Elementary
Bessie Coleman Middle School
Permenter Middle School
Collegiate Academy & High School
Cedar Hill High School
Campus Title I Parental Involvement Policy
Texas Academic Performance Report for CHISD
Texas Education Federal Report Card
The U.S. Department of Education requires each state to publish an annual report card with specific district- and campus-level data. Every district that receives Title I, Part A funding is responsible for distributing the state, district and campus-level report cards to each of its campuses, the parents of all enrolled students, and the public.
The federal report card contains student achievement results in reading and math in addition to other federally required information. Click the link to view the federal report cards.
Social Media Rules of Engagement
By "Liking" and/or Subscribing to the Cedar Hill Independent School District (“Cedar Hill ISD”) Facebook Page or any other Official Cedar Hill ISD social media page (Instagram, X, Youtube, etc), you agree to adhere to the Rules of Engagement, and terms listed below.
Cedar Hill ISD welcomes public participation and engagement on all district, school, and program social media accounts. However, comments will be monitored for civility and appropriateness. The following outlines the district’s Rules of Engagement for participation on district social media sites.
- Comments and questions can be directed to
- CHISD reserves the right to delete or remove a posting that violates any of these rules:
- Comments must stay on topic and be related to school district posts.
- Comments must be appropriate for an educational environment of all ages.
- No false, hostile, or vulgar content.
- No offensive language. This includes remarks that are racist, homophobic, sexist, or sexually explicit or that target ethnic, religious, or other legally protected groups.
- No specific allegations, personal attacks, or accusations about a student, parent, employee, trustee, or community member.
- The district's social media sites are not intended for sharing personal issues and concerns.
- Respect copyright and fair use laws.
- Comments and postings cannot promote illicit, illegal, or unethical activity.
- No spam, advertisements, or links to other sites for the purpose of marketing goods and services.
- We reserve the right to remove any comment at any time, for any reason, without notice, and may block the user if deemed appropriate.
- All sites are monitored and inappropriate comments made by students could result in disciplinary action in accordance with the Student Code of Conduct.
CHISD reserves the right to change the Rules of Engagement at any time without prior notification.
Title IX
District Accountability Report
Click to view the 2021-22 DISTRICT ACCOUNTABILITY SUMMARY. Please note, all districts and schools were Not Rated in 2020 and 2021 due to state disaster declaration from COVID-19. District ratings from 2023 - present are pending ongoing litigation.
USDA Nondiscrimination Statement
In accordance with federal civil rights law and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) civil rights regulations and policies, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, age, or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity.
Program information may be made available in languages other than English. Persons with disabilities who require alternative means of communication to obtain program information (e.g., Braille, large print, audiotape, American Sign Language), should contact the responsible state or local agency that administers the program or USDA’s TARGET Center at (202) 720-2600 (voice and TTY) or contact USDA through the Federal Relay Service at (800) 877-8339.
To file a program discrimination complaint, a Complainant should complete a Form AD-3027, USDA Program Discrimination Complaint Form which can be obtained online at:, from any USDA office, by calling (866) 632-9992, or by writing a letter addressed to USDA. The letter must contain the complainant’s name, address, telephone number, and a written description of the alleged discriminatory action in sufficient detail to inform the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights (ASCR) about the nature and date of an alleged civil rights violation. The completed AD-3027 form or letter must be submitted to USDA by:
- mail:
U.S. Department of Agriculture
Office of the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights
1400 Independence Avenue, SW
Washington, D.C. 20250-9410; or - fax:
(833) 256-1665 or (202) 690-7442; or - email: