Become a Business Partner
The Cedar Hill Education Foundation is offering businesses the opportunity to participate in the Cedar Hill ISD Perks Employee Discount Program.
Businesses have the opportunity to offer discounts and special offers to the employees of CHISD in recognition of their service to the community. The types, value, and amounts are to the discretion of the business.
Register as a CHISD Perks Business Partner
For more information, email Denise Root, Director of the Cedar Hill ISD Education Foundation, or call 972.291.1581 extension 4047 for more information.
Guidelines for Participation in the CHISD Employee Perks Program
1. Businesses must provide a specific discount and/or special offer exclusive to Cedar Hill ISD employees.
2. The types, values, and/or amounts are at the discretion of the business (i.e. 10%, 20%, 25% off; buy one get one free offers, etc.)
3. Participation in the Perks Program is on an annual basis and it is agreed that all discounts will be honored for the length of the program. (August through July). Membership in the Program is renewable.
4. Cedar Hill ISD employees must present their employee badge to the business to receive any and all offers. Coupons or discount cards will not be needed for employees to receive the discount.
5. Businesses are not allowed to distribute information, advertisements, flyers, discounts or any other marketing material to employees by mail or email. All communication from businesses to district employees regarding the Perks Program must be completed through the Cedar Hill ISD Education Foundation.
6. The following items shall not be offered as discounts to employees:
- Tobacco products
- Alcohol products
- Adult oriented products and/or material
7. All discounts must be approved by the Cedar Hill ISD Education Foundation.